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What Does It Mean to
Be a Beta Reader?

You will be part of a team that helps with the writing, editing, and publishing of a best-selling literary fiction novel.


Beta-readers will work with Skip across various stages of the book writing, editing and publishing process.


When you complete the form to join

the team, you will start with a quick assessment of Skip's current in-process book's theme and story plot hook.

What You Get as a Beta Reader?

1) A signed first-edition copy of the officially traditionally published book.


2) Special thank you mention in the book's acknowledgements section.


3) An invitation to a special virtual group discussion on the book's meaning, it's message, and value.


4) Have your name and comments included as a public testimonial comment either in the book cover, website marketing, or social media posts, if desired.


5) A signed copy of Skip's non-fiction book, "Overcoming The 7 Deadliest Communication Sins"

Your Responsibilities As a Beta Reader:

1) Review segments of the story and book when requested, up to approximately 20,000 words/10 chapters each time.


2) Within 30-days answer a brief survey with specific questions geared towards refining the segment.


3) Commit to reading the entire manuscript when the appropriate draft is ready for full review, complete the final manuscript feedback survey within 30-days, and participate in a one-on-one private call to provide your direct feedback.


Join Our Beta Reader Team - Complete the Form Below:

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